Tag: R&I


Educe worked with OCSI (Oxford Consultants for Social Inclusion) on the further development of the  well-regarded Data4nr (‘Data for Neighbourhoods and Regeneration’) website, under commission to the Department for Communities and Local Government. Data4nr identified and signposted the datasets available for targeting, monitoring, priority setting and performance management at a neighbourhood level, also highlighting – where possible – sources which provide equalities data. Our role has been to advise and support on user engagement in developing the site, and help feed in new material.

Data4nr was used to kick start content in the development of the Government’s Open Data site.

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Supporting Local Information and Research

Research for CLG (Department for Communities and Local Government) into factors driving changes in information, analysis and research in local government and how local, regional and national partners have been responding to these (with Oxford Consultants for Social Inclusion – OCSI – and Demographic Decisions). Recommendations related to:

  • streamlining and opening up access to data
  • improved packaging of datasets and analyses to meet user needs
  • action to avoid pitfalls in accessing and comparing data from related websites
  • improvements in national indicator sets to reflect what is needed and measurable at locality and neighbourhood levels
  • promotion of good practice in data sharing and use of geodemographic classifications
  • action to develop skills amongst researchers and analysts, including a skills framework and support for use of applications such as cost benefit analysis – as well as steps to encourage ‘intelligent customers’, influencing how decision-makers view and use what analysts have to offer
  • embedding local research and analysis functions in the search for improved services and outcomes in local authorities and partnerships
The report  (1,996 KB) was published by CLG in January 2009. The recommendations have been worked through in a number of contexts, including at national level involving the LGA, CLG, Audit Commission, etc. The report has influenced the work of Improvement and Efficiency Partnerships and decisions taken at local level to strengthen R&I capacity and collaboration. Derrick Johnstone facilitated a national workshop in December 2009 to review progress against recommendations.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.educe.co.uk/?p=183

Reducing Inequality Review

The Reducing Inequality Review, for Brighton & Hove Council and the 2020 Community Partnership (LSP) analysed existing evidence on dimensions of inequality in the city, across neighbourhoods, groups and communities of interest, before proceeding to review the contribution of local policies in reducing inequalities and disadvantage and consider future priorities. The review was undertaken jointly by Educe and Oxford Consultants for Social Inclusion (OCSI), and carried out in two phases:

  • Phase one was essentially a needs assessment for the city, intended to set the scene for Phase two.
  • Phase two offered recommendations for approaches and strategies for reducing inequality in the city, which fed directly into the preparation of the new Local Area Agreement (LAA)

We worked with a steering group made up of various stakeholders, with the project involving over 100 people in the research, soundings and evidence gathering. The Reducing Inequality Review brought together for partners, for the first time, a substantial range of evidence to enable a coherent and up-to-date understanding of the needs of the city. The Council regard the review as an example of best practice in how cities can develop a sense of their local identity and the opportunities available.

The Phase 1 and Phase 2 reports are available for download from the Brighton & Hove Council website.

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