Learning to Deliver Digests

We produced regular bi-monthly issues of the Learning to Deliver Digest which brought together developments in policy and practice relevant to managers and practitioners whose roles concern driving change and improvement in partnership settings. The last in the series was in November 2009 ( 339KB).

Web links were provided for all items mentioned. Signposted documents included not only official publications and websites but also a variety of other materials which help readers ‘keep up with and ahead of the game’.

Each Digest featured notes on a handful of key developments in recent weeks and a section dedicated to LAA matters. These are followed by a fuller list of documents, tools and other resources – ranging across central and local government; climate change; community empowerment; community safety; children and young people;   economic development, skills and worklessness; health; housing; neighbourhood renewal and social exclusion; planning & transport; rural development; and the third sector. There were also cross-cutting themes of efficiency and improvement;  community empowerment;  and equality, diversity and cohesion.

The Digest was produced for the Learning to Deliver programme (Improvement and Efficiency West Midlands) and was funded by Communities and Local Government.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.educe.co.uk/?p=190

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