Service Improvement Tools

Self assessment diagnostic tools on
  • Economic Development and Regeneration
  • Neighbourhood Renewal

These were designed to help local authorities review the way in which they develop, deliver and improve these services and activities. Produced for IDeA (the Improvement and Development Agency for local government) in 2003 and based on their Local Government Improvement Programme Model. The tools were designed for in-house review or for Peer Review.The tools are organised under three main themes:

  • Leadership and strategic planning
    • Vision and strategy; Change management; Motivation; Innovation and Creativity; Alliance Building
  • Democratic and community engagement
    • Democratic Representation; Scrutiny; Customer and Citizen Focus; Communication with Customers and Citizens; Consultation and Participation
  • Performance management
    • Planning and Review; People Management; Project Management; Systems and Processes Management; Financial Management
Under each heading are questions exploring good practice, and in addition, the Neighbourhood Renewal diagnostic features illustrations from Beacon Councils plus other resources. The tools can be used for specific services identified as priorities for improvement as well as for the whole programme area.If you want some help in focusing the review you will find a summary tables with the most important questions which can guide what you decide to do. These are also helpful as checklists for peer review exercises.

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