Tag: customer insight
Learning to Deliver – support for LSPs and LAAs in the West Midlands
As part of our work for the Learning to Deliver programme (Improvement & Efficiency West Midlands), we produced a series of topical briefings relevant to the work of partners in LSPs. These included:
Five Steps to Better Outcomes ( pdf 583KB): a guide to delivery planning, assisting local partners in making a success of Local Area Agreements, working out how best to achieve community outcomes. These were produced between 2008 and 2010 for Improvement and Efficiency West Midlands.
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‘Customer Insight, LAAs and CAA’ was a workshop faciliated by Derrick Johnstone for East Midlands Improvement and Efficiency Partnership on 9 June 2009. It was designed to explore how customer and citizen intelligence help tackle local priorities, with the emphasis very much on partnership dimensions. Sessions focused on customer-focused strategy and service improvement, the use of customer segmentation tools, ‘circles of need’ and customer journey analysis.Derrick’s slides can be downloaded
here (
pdf 1539KB). These include several sides which capture feedback from discussion groups. The event built on a previous briefing on
‘Customer Insight and LAAs’ prepared by Educe for Improvement and Efficiency West Midlands.
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Local authorities in the East Midlands have been spending considerable time collating datasets for strategic assessment and service improvement. Responsibility for collation is typically spread across a range of services in councils (and partners) creating the risk of duplication. Data managers and their teams have been carrying out large amounts of work to repackage nationally available data for local needs.Analytical capacity has been stretched by such demands and available data are not always used to the full. Research and intelligence has not always been joined up where and when it matters – within local authorities and across partners.Derrick Johnstone was commissioned by the East Midlands Improvement and Efficiency Partnership to undertake a scoping project to:
- clarify common needs for improved access to, and use of data, including the use of tools such as MOSAIC, ACORN and OAC (ONS) and the resources of regional and sub-regional observatories
- identify the potential for further pan-regional collaboration, including ways of developing and making better use of regional and sub-regional R&I infrastructure
- assess models for joint use and acquisition of Customer Insight packages, along with potential savings through joint procurement arrangements
- identify priorities for learning and sharing good practice, to inform the future work of the Improvement and Efficiency Partnership
The report provided the basis for regional consultation, and led to the East Midlands Customer Insight and Research project, on which Derrick acted as an advisor. This project had two strands: one to developing skills and networks relating to research and analysis; the other a series of sub-regional demonstration projects applying customer insight and research methods in seeking to raise aspirations and the reduce the numbers of young people who are NEET (not in education, employment or training).
Permanent link to this article: https://www.educe.co.uk/?p=240
Educe were members of the team which provided support for local authorities and their partners in Local Strategic Partnerships in the West Midlands in 2007/09: the Learning to Deliver (L2D) programme. This was an initiative of the Improvement and Efficiency West Midlands, funded to help strengthen delivery of Local Area Agreements.
Part of role was to act as an improvement adviser with West Midlands LSPs, as well as supporting work specifically on economic development and worklessness aspects of the L2D programme as a whole. The latter led to our role in relation to the West Midlands regional worklessness network (see separate details).
The other aspect of our contribution to L2D was the production of briefings and guidance material on key topics for LSPs. These included:
- current awareness digest for LSPs and LAAs (each issue features developments in policy and practice relevant to people playing key roles in driving change and improvement) – final issue, November 2009 ( pdf 339KB)
- Five Steps to Better Outcomes ( pdf 583KB) a guide to delivery planning, assisting local partners in making a success of Local Area Agreements, working out how best to achieve community outcomes.
and briefings on:
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