Learning to Deliver – support for LSPs and LAAs in the West Midlands
- Behaviour change and LSPs ( pdf 204KB)
- Innovation and LAAs ( pdf 236KB)
- Efficiency, value for money and LAAs ( pdf 176KB) and improvement resources ( pdf 286KB)
- LAAs, delivery chains and networks ( pdf 268KB)
- Networks and consortia in the voluntary and community sector ( pdf 99KB)
- Customer journeys and worklessness ( pdf 380KB) and improvement resources on customer journeys:
- part 1, Needs, transitions & person-centred commissioning ( pdf 204KB)
- part 2, Customer research: health and worklessness ( pdf 227KB)
- Customer insight and LAAs ( pdf 162KB)
- LAAs and economic development ( pdf 248KB)
- LAAs and target setting ( pdf 230KB)
- Priority setting ( pdf 179KB)
- ‘Thinking systems’ ( pdf 304KB)
- Performance culture in partnerships ( pdf 227KB)
Five Steps to Better Outcomes ( pdf 583KB): a guide to delivery planning, assisting local partners in making a success of Local Area Agreements, working out how best to achieve community outcomes. These were produced between 2008 and 2010 for Improvement and Efficiency West Midlands.