Category: Publications
Many of our projects have resulted in publications for wider dissemination. This section lists some of these documents; others can be found in postings on individual projects. We are in the process of updating this listing and associated resources.
Key Findings report from our evaluation of the ‘Supporting Evidence for Local Delivery’ programme, introduced by central government in 2005 to promote better use of data, research and evidence in neighbourhood renewal through the provision of technical assistance to Local Strategic Partnerships (LSPs) and neighbourhood renewal partnerships. Published by the Department for Communities and Local Government (CLG).
The research evaluated the quality and impact of four regional pilots and the programme as a whole, and researched analytical skills and skills gaps within partnerships in neighbourhood renewal-funded areas. The key findings emphasised strengthening skills and capacity at all levels, addressing needs within Local Area Agreements and responding to the challenge of the government’s review of Sub-National Economic Development and Regeneration.
Further analysis from the SELD research subsequently featured in the CLG report, ‘Supporting Local Information and Research’, published in January 2009.
Project led by Educe with the Centre for Regional Economic Development (University of Cumbria), CENTRIS and Makesfive Ltd.
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The South East England Regional Assembly undertook a Select Committee (scrutiny) investigation into SEEDA and Sub-Regional Working. We were commissioned with Makesfive to prepare the Context and Issues paper, feeding into the Select Committee held on 16 January 2009.
The focus was in particular on how effectively SEEDA’s approach to working with a range of partners and partnerships at sub-regional level helps to deliver
both the Regional Economic Strategy and address local needs and priorities.The South East England Regional Assembly subsequently published its
report and recommendations (112KB. These sat within the context of implementation of the Review of Sub-National Economic Development and Regeneration (SNR), and related to:
- the need for greater co-ordination and alignment, notably through a joint approach to locality investment planning
- extending the cross-organisational task force approach within SEEDA in tackling specific issues, including work around ‘priority places’
- supporting and enabling co-ordination of local economic assessments
- improving communications, including dissemination of research and evaluation and strengthening the use of the SEEDA website
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Project scoping work needed to analyse the impacts, financial costs and benefits of neighbourhood management initiatives in Barnsley, to provide evidence for decision makers considering the introduction of neighbourhood management approaches in other areas. The project sought to generate better shared understanding of available data and gaps in evidence, and what needs to be done to address these. It built on initial business case work undertaken by the Kendray Neighbourhood Management pathfinder, and looked to integrate current evaluation thinking with developments in pursuit of the local government efficiency agenda. (Neighbourhood Renewal Adviser assignment for Barnsley Council and the Government Office for Yorkshire and the Humber)Download:
The assignment informed the subsequent development of a new Neighbourhoods and Community Engagement Framework, which mainstreamed the work of the Kendray neighbourhood management pathfinder.
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Inspire East Evaluation 2007 ( pdf 1203KB) – assessment of the impact of the regional centre of excellence for sustainable communities in the East of England. Follows work on the evaluation framework and baseline in 2006.
This involved research into the impact of Inspire East services (seminars and workshops, publications, website, etc) and wider influence of Inspire East on policy and practice in the region.
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Evaluation of the National Strategy for Neighbourhood Renewal: Scoping Study (
pdf 773KB) – project to clarify the scope and methodological options to evaluate progress, lessons and impact of the National Strategy for Neighbourhood Renewal (for Neighbourhood Renewal Unit, ODPM) (project led by Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge). Educe inputs included developing content on ‘Characteristics of good strategy evaluation’ (including international best practice) and undertaking interviews with other government departments regarding their policy relationship and relevant data and research activities.
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Occupational Standards for Economic Development (
pdf 130 KB) report for the then Department for Education and Employment (DfEE) on four development projects which made productive use of occupational standards (standards of competence) to improve capacity for local economic development, practitioner skills and partnership effectiveness.
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