Category: Publications

Many of our projects have resulted in publications for wider dissemination. This section lists some of these documents; others can be found in postings on individual projects. We are in the process of updating this listing and associated resources.

Colleges and Economic Development

Competence and Competitiveness – Colleges and Local Economic Development ( pdf 138KB)  – learning need analysis tool for college staff involved in partnerships (published by the Further Education Development Agency, predecessor to the Learning and Skills Improvement Service). This highlighted outward-looking partnership skill needs, complementing the work of the FE National Training Organisation on teaching skills.

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Trade unions and economic development

Coming in from the cold: trade unions in economic development partnerships ( pdf 44 KB) from Local Work No 11 (published by the Centre for Local Economic Strategies)

Describes the first capacity building project for trade unionists involved in economic regeneration. Covered partnership working, policy developments and good practice in strategies, project development and evaluation. Developed originally in the North West in 1998, with a follow-up evaluation in 1999 and later roll-out to other TUC regions.

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Working with Business in LSPs

Working with Business in Local Strategic Partnerships (LSPs) ( pdf 270KB) – a guide intended to help anyone working to engage businesses with LSPs.This was produced in 2002 for Business in the Community, British Chambers of Commerce, Local Government Association and Neighbourhood Renewal Unit of the OPDM (now CLG).

It provides a brief introduction to LSPs, makes the case for effective business involvement and provides practical ideas for how to do this. The advice is still relevant today – not least for Local Enterprise Partnerships.

Also leaflet: LSPs and Neighbourhood Renewal: why business should get involved  ( pdf 183KB).

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Service Improvement Tools

Self assessment diagnostic tools on
  • Economic Development and Regeneration
  • Neighbourhood Renewal

These were designed to help local authorities review the way in which they develop, deliver and improve these services and activities. Produced for IDeA (the Improvement and Development Agency for local government) in 2003 and based on their Local Government Improvement Programme Model. The tools were designed for in-house review or for Peer Review.The tools are organised under three main themes:

  • Leadership and strategic planning
    • Vision and strategy; Change management; Motivation; Innovation and Creativity; Alliance Building
  • Democratic and community engagement
    • Democratic Representation; Scrutiny; Customer and Citizen Focus; Communication with Customers and Citizens; Consultation and Participation
  • Performance management
    • Planning and Review; People Management; Project Management; Systems and Processes Management; Financial Management
Under each heading are questions exploring good practice, and in addition, the Neighbourhood Renewal diagnostic features illustrations from Beacon Councils plus other resources. The tools can be used for specific services identified as priorities for improvement as well as for the whole programme area.If you want some help in focusing the review you will find a summary tables with the most important questions which can guide what you decide to do. These are also helpful as checklists for peer review exercises.

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LSP Induction Pack

Induction materials ( 657 KB) designed to provide a ‘survival guide’ to what partners need to know about Local Strategic Partnerships (LSPs) and their LSP partners.The pack provides:

  • an introduction to LSPs, and the relevance of neighbourhoood renewal and equalities to LSP activities
  • an LSP board member induction process and checklist
  • profiles of partner bodies and theme partnerships
  • jargon buster

The content was developed for LSPs in the West Midlands, though much was of relevance to other regions.The thinking behind the pack was that the ability to make a confident contribution in LSPs depends on being familiar with the terrain (what the LSP is about, its context, its strategies and how it works). Successful collaboration depends on partners sharing common goals and gaining mutual advantage through their involvement. Understanding what partners bring to the table, what drives them and what constrains them is an essential platform for joint working.

These materials were designed to be adapted to needs within individual partnerships and as a starting point for further learning about partners and the partnership – a prompt for the best learning: finding out locally from horses’ mouths.

These materials were produced in 2006 for the Leadership and Partnership Development programme in the West Midlands. They should be read in the light of the subsequent policy developments which have inevitably dated the content. However, we continue to make them available as they remain a starting point for induction activity, to be adapted and updated to fit specific local circumstances.

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Economic Strategies Routemap

Local Economic Strategies Routemap ( pdf – 78KB) – a tool to support local authorities in their community leadership role, help them sharpen their approach to economic development and regeneration and develop new and more effective ways of working. It maps out some of the key decisions and choices – and critical success factors – in developing local economic strategies. Developed for IDeA in 2002.

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