Tag: economic assessment

SEEDA and Sub-Regional Working

The South East England Regional Assembly undertook a Select Committee (scrutiny) investigation into SEEDA and Sub-Regional Working. We were commissioned with Makesfive to prepare the Context and Issues paper, feeding into the Select Committee held on 16 January 2009.
The focus was in particular on how effectively SEEDA’s approach to working with a range of partners and partnerships at sub-regional level helps to deliver both the Regional Economic Strategy and address local needs and priorities.The South East England Regional Assembly subsequently published its report and recommendations (112KB. These sat within the context of implementation of the Review of Sub-National Economic Development and Regeneration (SNR), and related to:
  • the need for greater co-ordination and alignment, notably through a joint approach to locality investment planning
  • extending the cross-organisational task force approach within SEEDA in tackling specific issues, including work around ‘priority places’
  • supporting and enabling co-ordination of local economic assessments
  • improving communications, including dissemination of research and evaluation and strengthening the use of the SEEDA website

Permanent link to this article: https://www.educe.co.uk/?p=230


Educe worked with OCSI (Oxford Consultants for Social Inclusion) on the further development of theĀ  well-regarded Data4nr (‘Data for Neighbourhoods and Regeneration’) website, under commission to the Department for Communities and Local Government. Data4nr identified and signposted the datasets available for targeting, monitoring, priority setting and performance management at a neighbourhood level, also highlighting – where possible – sources which provide equalities data. Our role has been to advise and support on user engagement in developing the site, and help feed in new material.

Data4nr was used to kick start content in the development of the Government’s Open Data site.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.educe.co.uk/?p=220

Economic Strategies Routemap

Local Economic Strategies Routemap ( pdf – 78KB) – a tool to support local authorities in their community leadership role, help them sharpen their approach to economic development and regeneration and develop new and more effective ways of working. It maps out some of the key decisions and choices – and critical success factors – in developing local economic strategies. Developed for IDeA in 2002.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.educe.co.uk/?p=197